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Today the sun set at dawn, the grey sky poured down in torrents banked tears of yesterday. Today, cows grazed not in the pastures evergreen, the was no herd boy playing a lekolilo melody, the stream had dried and all the gay lads came back ashen. Today no lark sang in the meadow, no goats bleat in the valley, just a lone horse galloping on the plateau. Today, a heroine fell, and all mourn. Even the busy bees hv taken a day off to salute this thabana-ntlenyana, this mammoth queen who leaves monuments and tales to be repeated over Bo and yonder. Today, i shall rejoice for i know though you are gone, you are always here. In the soft breeze, in the happy songs of the morning lark, in the cry of a new born baby, in the stream that flows past our fieldd, giving us life. You are here in our hearts and minds eternally. Today i bit farewell to a mother, a grandma, a wife and heroine in the lives of so many. Lala kahle mama! (c) 2014 moliehi molupe

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