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Landsbyen -Into the North- An Epic Poem 58

When they came to a side hall Joulupukki stopped. “Do you feel the magic?” He said to her. She nodded. He stepped around the corner, on the far end stood Gwaldon in the middle of the hallway. About a third of the way down were a small group of Dark Elves. One expelled a small amount of energy and it immediately turned into flowers. Another chose to use a bit more power directed at Gwaldon. The Elder stretched out his staff, and as the magic turned into a vine, he turned it back on its user and the vine wrapped itself around him immobilizing him. As he looked down the hall, he saw numerous Dark Elves wrapped in the vines and covered in flowers. Joulupukki called out, “Gwaldon, are you in need of assistance?” The group of elves turned to face him. “If I were a few years younger I would decline your offer, my King, but as things stand, your assistance would be most appreciated.” Immediately Ceridfen started throwing energy balls down the corridor each one turning into a posy of daffodils. She turned to Joulupukki and shrugged. “So what now,” called the Dark Elf, “are you going to turn us all into peonies?” Joulupukki smiled at the elf as his cohorts all laughed.. “You see there is something I know that you don't.” “What is that. You saw how magic works here. As long as we don't use ours you can't turn it back on us.” “That's just it, I don't need magic,” Joulupukki took several steps closer to the group of elves. “I have something that is much more powerful, ...ingenuity.” He closed the distance and towered over the shorter being. They tightened their stance to create a more intimidating and unified group. “Ingenuity?” The elf questioned. Ceridfen and Gwaldon, both curious, moved closer to see what the King would do next. “Ingenuity.” Joulupukki responded as he reached out and punched the elf in nose. The Elf's nose began bleeding immediately and he yelped as he fell to the ground. The others behind him were stunned and did not know how to respond to such a physical attack. Joulupukki raised his staff and reached out with his magic picking only the peonies he weaved them together in to chains that he used as manacles to tie the Dark Ones together. “You said you couldn't...,” one of the elves started. Joulupukki cut him off, “I said I did not need magic. I didn't say I couldn't use it.” He passed his staff over the group and put them to sleep. “Now that the fun is over let's see to Dyndoeth and Lumi.” “I am old and fatigued, and I would only slow you down. I will stay and keep watch over the children.” Gwaldon offered. Then as an after thought he added, “It was fun, wasn't it?” The King and Gwaldon smiled at each other and Ceridfen and Joulupukki were again on their way as Gwaldon wove a magical cage around the Dark Ones. “Why did Gwaldon's magic affect mine but not yours?” She questioned the half elf. “I don't know. I still know very little about the magic inside of me. It has been surprising me ever since I arrived here. It could be the human influence given by my mother, or the combining of Bréagán's magic with my father's giving me the strength of both, strong but subtle like Erlenkönig's, but also allowing me to share it with others and to be able to manipulate other elves' magics like Bréagán." Then she brought up another question. “What did you say to that elf back there, ingenuity?” He chuckled gently, “It was something I said to the Council.” She looked at him, a puzzled look on her face. “It was about the difference between humans and elves.” He hesitated a moment. “You know, the way they see the world.” Ceridfen just looked at him. “You had to be there,” he ended it. They remained mostly quiet for the rest of the way, feeling the magical attacks growing stronger with each step. When they finally reached the hall where the fight was continuing, Joulupukki pushed Ceridfen behind him, then proceeded around the corner to confront the Dark Elves. As soon as he turned the corner he saw Rian and Rian saw him. Anger grew quickly within Joulupukki. Anger for trying to destroy his friends, anger for causing such fear in the elves that lived in the Village, but mostly the thought of what he had done to his family enraged him. Rather than confront the half-ling, Rian moved quickly to the center of his group of elves, most of whom turned to face the new threat. They began attacking instantly. This group was much larger and more aggressive than the one they confronted earlier. Joulupukki glanced around and saw the havoc that Dyndoeth and Lumi had left of the group of Dark Elves. One by one he entangled each elf in webs or simply threw them against the walls. He usually tried his best to not permanently injury those he fought against, but, now, he had stopped caring. Dyndoeth and Lumi continued to whittle away at the elves that were facing them and Ceridfen did not just idly stand by eliminating several herself. At last there were only three Dark Elves left standing, Rian and two others cowering behind him.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2021

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