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Land of Revelations

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While waiting for my turn at doctors. I thought of writing a blitz for B type of poems sponsored by constance la france
"I have been a stranger in a strange land."  Bible, Exodus 2:22
I have been a stranger I have been in a strange land Land of forsaken frangipanis Land of black diamonds Diamonds never decay Diamonds forever sparkle Sparkle like neon fireflies Sparkle amidst darkness Darkness depicting light Darkness illuminating skies Skies sketched in topaz tints Skies mirroring my spirit Spirit of a forlorn wanderer Spirit of a firm believer Believer veiled unseen Believer sings hymns unheard Unheard sagas of truth Unheard tunes of time Time twirls through confusion Time enveloped in silence Silence is a fragrant dialect Silence is misunderstood Misunderstood yet deafening Misunderstood monologues Monologues of the strawberry moon Monologues of sunflower scriptures Scriptures of sacred seasons Scriptures lost in deserted dunes Dunes of healing heartbeats Dunes of forgotten dreams Dreams of a midnight Jasmine Dreams of a faded star Star that guides the raven dusk Star that flickers pink gold Gold is the color of faith Gold ribboned with hope Hope is an emerald home Hope is a thriving tulip Tulip personifies awakening Tulip honeyed in harmony Harmony from serenades of serenity Harmony of singing sunrise Sunrise painted in poetry Sunrise and rainbows Rainbows with quartz runes Rainbows of colored revelations Revelations unnamed Revelations untold Untold… Unnamed…

Copyright © | Year Posted 2024

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Date: 6/25/2024 7:07:00 AM
Ink, congratulations on your win in my contest, like your poem a lot, and the chosen quote, Constance
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Date: 6/11/2024 11:20:00 AM
Back with Congratulations on your New win. I enjoyed reading your amazing "Land of Revelations" write again. Keep the wonderful wins coming. Have a great/blessed day writing away..................
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Date: 6/10/2024 11:47:00 AM
Congratulations Dear Ink on your win. Cheers.
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Date: 6/10/2024 6:13:00 AM
IE, this is a wonderful journey and exploration. The observations feel like amazement welcoming the taking on of a strange and new set of circumstances. Truly a pleasure to read and enjoy. Makes me feel like every minute is part of a new experience. Makes me smile internally and look forward to whatever will be.
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Date: 6/8/2024 5:05:00 AM
You have done well with this format Dear Ink. This explores beautifully and metaphorically a wanderer through a strange space filled with beauty and loneliness. I love the downplay of darkness, light, and faith. I love the power of hope it portrays and the weight and significance of silence. The mystery of the piece itself and the beauty of Nature. "Silence is misunderstood Misunderstood yet deafening." Very powerful words. Congratulations on Your POTD Dearest Ink. Hugs.
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Date: 6/7/2024 3:28:00 PM
Oh, happy POTD! I do not log onto PS everyday so just am seeing this. A beautiful Blitz- it really fits you, this piece- I hope you are well today, many prayers
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Ink Empress
Date: 6/8/2024 1:51:00 AM
Thank you sweet paige i appreciate your kindness and constant support truly
Date: 6/7/2024 2:15:00 PM
Congratulations on your POTD Empress! Blitz form suits you. Far-away strange lands are always of interest to me. I like " Star that guides the raven dusk Star that flickers pink gold" most. Bright Blessings & b0l
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Ink Empress
Date: 6/8/2024 2:05:00 AM
Awn thank you so much for reading sweet anaya i appreciate your kindness always truly
Date: 6/7/2024 11:51:00 AM
I see you got POTD for this one.. A bleated congratulations.. Your blitz flows really well.. In this form it is supposed to be short sentences, which you can say with speed and you can definitely do that here... Great arrangement of words and use of metaphors... Best of luck in the contest..
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Ink Empress
Date: 6/8/2024 2:13:00 AM
Thank you for your kind and generous comment grateful for the support
Date: 6/7/2024 12:18:00 AM
Lovely poetry Ink, a journey through a strange land with you, beautiful. Congratulations on receiving the honour of poem of the day… Beryl
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Ink Empress
Date: 6/8/2024 2:13:00 AM
Thank you dear beryl appreciate your support
Date: 6/7/2024 12:16:00 AM
So amazing. I so love this. Awesome. Congrats for POTD and God bless you, love, Gina
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Ink Empress
Date: 6/8/2024 2:29:00 AM
Thank you so much Gina i appreciate your kindness sending you light
Date: 6/6/2024 6:43:00 PM
I really like : ' sunflower scriptures ' with a ' sunrise painted in poetry, ' as ' rainbows of colored revelations ' remain ' untold. ' You always know how to paint a masterpiece with your words. This is beautiful in every way. Congratulations Ink Empress, on Poem of the Day. Many wonderful blessings to you. :) Hugs, Brandy
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Ink Empress
Date: 6/8/2024 2:35:00 AM
Thank you dear brandy i appreciate your kindness truly, sending you light always too
Date: 6/6/2024 2:52:00 PM
There you are where you belong Sweet Ink!! Haha….Beautiful poem with many amazing lines! So happy you got POTD…Congratulations sweet girl! Debx
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Ink Empress
Date: 6/8/2024 2:38:00 AM
Awwn your sweetness i truly adore and am grateful for thank you so much debx
Date: 6/6/2024 12:09:00 PM
Dearest Inky, congratulations on your POTD! Your amazing imagery is so vividly set off in your contrasting couplets. The cadence of your matching lines is so melodic set off wonderfully by the "blitz" formatting. This would be perfect if read aloud emphasizing the perfection and harmony found our natural world! So delighted for you! High fives and best wishes for the contest. Blessings of rainbows, tulips, sweet jasmine to you! Samzy
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Ink Empress
Date: 6/8/2024 2:50:00 AM
Awwn samszy thank you so very much for your kindness and thoughtful comment i am grateful always to receive your support. Sending you light always
Date: 6/6/2024 11:06:00 AM
An eloquently moving jaunt through nature's exquisite flourishings. You have composed your symphonic romp in major and minor keys. Congratulations Ink, on your POTD! all my best, Robert
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Ink Empress
Date: 6/8/2024 3:11:00 AM
Thank you so veru much grateful for your kindness
Date: 6/6/2024 9:10:00 AM
Congratulation, my dear friend, on your POTD! This is a powerful poem, Ink. I especially liked these three lines, "Time enveloped in silence Silence is a fragrant dialect Silence is misunderstood Love and Light, Bill
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Ink Empress
Date: 6/8/2024 3:22:00 AM
Its good to see you bill thank you so much
Date: 6/6/2024 8:27:00 AM
One of your best! A fave for me! Great subject and content, lovely imagery. Congrats on POTD!
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Ink Empress
Date: 6/8/2024 3:26:00 AM
Awn that means alot coming from you. Thank you so very much for the fave too. And for the comment
Date: 6/6/2024 7:52:00 AM
Back with Congratulations on your POTD win. I enjoyed reading your amazing "Land of Revelations" write again. Have a great/blessed day with your wonderful win.......................
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Ink Empress
Date: 6/8/2024 3:30:00 AM
Awwn thank you dear kind Paula im grateful for your support
Date: 6/6/2024 7:05:00 AM
Congratulations on POTD. Your insightful poem is deserving of this honor.
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Ink Empress
Date: 6/8/2024 3:32:00 AM
Awn hilda always grateful for your kindness truly
Date: 6/6/2024 5:59:00 AM
Very powerful poem, Ink. Many Congratulations on the POTD with such a delicious piece. Have a great day!
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Ink Empress
Date: 6/8/2024 3:40:00 AM
Thank you maria
Date: 6/6/2024 5:53:00 AM
Dear Inky, many congratulations with this amazing POTD. This is an intriguing form and I would imagine quite challenging to keep the flow going but not under your immense command sweet one. I love all your lines and the artistic use of colour from your multi talented, colourful pen. ‘Skies sketched in topaz tints’ ‘ silence is a fragrant dialect’ ‘ sunrise painted in poetry’- gorgeous! Love all the vivid imagery here which makes it so captivating. The last few stunning lines are so poignant.
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Ink Empress
Date: 6/8/2024 3:45:00 AM
Awwn chriszy! I appreciate this sincere and kind comment truly. Thank you for making my heart smile! Appreciate you
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Christina Bowring
Date: 6/6/2024 5:54:00 AM
Impressed and in awe as always :) Enjoy your celebratory day dear, sweet Inky. You deserve it and I hope you are well. Hugs and blessings xx :):)
Date: 6/6/2024 5:12:00 AM
Dropping back with Congrats on POTD
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Ink Empress
Date: 6/8/2024 3:50:00 AM
Thank you so much dear joseph
Date: 6/6/2024 5:00:00 AM
Congratulations Ink Empress on your POTD honors! Your poem is intriguing and powerful and begs considerable contemplation! Enjoy your day!!!
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Ink Empress
Date: 6/8/2024 4:01:00 AM
Thank you dear mike grateful for your kindness and support
Date: 6/6/2024 5:00:00 AM
Dear Ink Empress poetess, Congratulations on this well crafted POTD, blitz.."Silence is a fragrant dialect", "Hope is an emerald home", such strong imagery in this one. Blessings and enjoy your honor..
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Ink Empress
Date: 6/8/2024 3:54:00 AM
Awn its always so good to hear from you dear nancy. Thank you so very much
Date: 6/6/2024 4:45:00 AM
Congratulations Ink on POTD, a lot of revelations on the soup recently, needed a bit of blitzing, perhaps hinted at in your last few lines? hopefully be cleared up soon, nice work, cheers David!
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Ink Empress
Date: 6/8/2024 4:03:00 AM
Blitzing haha, is actually a word thanks for teaching. Perhaps subconsciously, thank you dear david
Date: 6/6/2024 4:30:00 AM
Dear Empress, I am back to give you a standing ovation for an outstanding poem. Bask in the sunlight my dear friend. Blessings, Daniel
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Ink Empress
Date: 6/8/2024 4:13:00 AM
Thats very kind of you daniel thank you so much

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