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Lamet! is what she hears first him, screaming her second name as he descends upon her no time to process gravity a thud, tearing her core to shavings Maiweeeee! She is puzzled. His baritone dropping the 'n' agitation a wooden scrabble. Nothing is left between her and Pee, not a grain all’s crushed smothering their screams interlocking their groans. He is a pawn, no saphead giving it to her, a pounding her splinters putting him on like a glove a blood-wood fragments of his body all over her. She, a Mortal (he notes the ‘r’ replacement) implodes in silence, his pain. She is deep no winnowing basket Her pleas chaff going with the wind consummating with eyes but she, too dry to go gunky. Left to recline in the tree shade, heaves silent sighs among groundnut sheaves “You know I l-o-v-e you,” “Yet it spells p-a-i-n, right?” “We are just pieces of a g-a-m-e dear,” he sighs rolling onto his back.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2021

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Date: 5/14/2022 9:45:00 AM
Oh wow ~ the pain in this poem, and finally the acceptance--this is just how it is and will be...a write filled with incredible imagery. I'm wrung out from reading it! Please take care. Why is life sometimes so mean!
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Chigiya Avatar
Joyce Chigiya
Date: 5/21/2022 1:33:00 PM
Thank very much. Your positive comment means so much to me.
Date: 9/18/2021 3:14:00 PM
Wow! Such profound, ballistic action. Visceral, while deeply thoughtful and intelligent. Great honesty and understanding of human needs and emotions. Such fiery imagery, throbbing, palpitating use of language. This is a favorite for sure. Brava!
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Joyce Chigiya
Date: 9/21/2021 12:59:00 PM
I am so glad to learn that you like the poem. Your positive comments are so touching. Thank you so much. I will try to keep on posting more of my work.

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry