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Lady Mondegreen

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Incorrectly heard lyrics are called "mondegreens." The word originates with journalist Sylvia Wright, who wrote a column in the 1950s in which she recounted hearing the Scottish folksong The Bonny Earl of Morray. Wright misheard the lyric "Oh, they have slain the Earl o' Morray and laid him on the green" and thought it was "Oh, they have slain the Earl o' Morray and Lady Mondegreen."

She walked the night like dynamite her rice sparkled in the moonlight; blackhead of hair flowing astray. She was a huntress, he; her spray. A mouth shaped with deepest dread slowly spoke. As her tulip spread, soft worms came out into his ear "I want you for my Fallow Deer." "I can make you two-pair of dice," she said; he was mitten in a trice. A night of fashion, net, and lace with him Banshee til morn took place When he was woke, she was not bare despite they both did love beachwear. They found him dead and gonisqueen, and so, they laid him on the green.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2023

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Date: 6/20/2023 11:44:00 AM
Second dark poem…just read another akin to yours! Phew…
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