Lady Death
I travel lonely to find my love
In the stygian caves i crawl
Searching for the chthonic gate
Across the moonlit elysian fields
And a sea of boiling blood
Through a forest of bone
In the shadows of eternal night
I wonder along listening to an owl’s song
On my way to meet lady death
Santa Muerte we called her
Our lady of holy death
I knew her only as “my love’
That is all I cared to be
The gods had scorned me
But she reveled with me
We played secret games in the moonlight
We played the game of death and life, courage and sacrifice
Even though scorned was I
But all to soon the call had came
And the Widows horse had spun her away
Into the inky shadow of night she faded on the darksome wind
Riding the ghostly horse away from her friend
How I miss her my love
So now i seek to find the Widows keep
To propose a union between death and life
Ever so meek gladly I would speak
Although I be of the clan of man, I will still gladly offer my hand
My heart is yours, my soul to stay
And walk beside you every night and day
Through weal and woe as chance may be
I myself shall be true to you and never be so low
I shall never cheat and never meet any other that is your equal
Or so I believe
So I walk through a mirrored hall of silvered glass
Lit by candle light amidst the waters of death
To meet with the queen of the keep
The dark of night Widows Sleep
Copyright © Thomas Laufey | Year Posted 2021
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