Have you ever wondered why this road you are on
has no cul-de-sac to return you to the beginning
or a partial return to only the good parts of your life?
Why is that?
You’re on it to the bitter end
there are no exits
only a long slow trek to who knows where
but sometimes it’s a fast track
Fast is no good, you miss all the fun of that experience
but you miss all the bad too
and that’s not a bad thing
So you must question, why am I here?
A good question
Does anybody know?
No, nobody knows, why or what for
All we really know is we breathe in and out
But that only lasts a little while
then all that we know
becomes moot, irrelevant
as it should, after all, where is this place we land on, dead?
Or will we be alive as we have known living to be
and what becomes of the information we learned in our lifetime?
Is that still viable and meaningful in our new realm?
What is the new realm and how do we function in it?
Do we transfer to Angel status or become a ball of light or?
Do we eat, poop or suffer other indignities of our physicality?
There are too many questions to consider for an earth creature
only a cosmic mind with a millennia of experience may have answers
As for me, I savor the great cooking, the smells, and the flavors to the palate
chewing is a favorite of mine so are all kinds of burritos, BBQ and its sauces
and anything chewy and soft; don’t forget all desserts
the porcelain pot is not a preferred activity for food but essential for humans
Who knows what comes next, I never will, that’s only for God to know
the rest of us just have to wait in line until called
to a time when all shall be revealed
and we shall know God for the first time.
Copyright © Norberto Franco Cisneros | Year Posted 2024
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