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Kite Flying Season

Spring had sprung and the weather was wild, the winds were everywhere. Yep, it was time to fly kites, but with Dragon involved, a time to be beware! A great kite-erian was invited this year, from Japan, to our shores, he had come. His specialty, you might ask? It was… to Dragon kites that he did succumb. Now, your catching on, it’s going to be a mighty Dragon Day, kind of Flight! Yes, we’d proclaimed this our first official Dragon Day, each year, for kites. Now Dragon kites are special, one of a kind, made solely by this kite-erian guy. Slightly heavier, and long, yep, you guessed, they’d need help to begin to fly. To get them off the ground, would require gale force winds, or a little ingenuity. First we tried a gigantic fan, but it didn’t add enough height before discontinuity. But by chance, no apparent cause, came Dragon with his abundance of fortuity. Yep, Dragon grabbed the string, to fly high, into the great beyond in perpetuity! Now, with one set neigh to the jet stream, for to watch, we ran out, more to launch! But instead of one at a time, he swooped down the line, grabbing all so staunch. They trailed him, as he climbed, toward the clouds, basically all, haunch to haunch! But kites don’t fly well, when brought together into a very tight, great big, bunch! As the kites caught the winds up high, at near gale force, he suddenly found… That he was now suddenly pulled behind, and he couldn’t get himself unbound! Yep, his tail and wings had become, caught in the strings so very, very profound! The only thing, left to be found, was how was he ever to get back to the ground. As the wind took him across ‘The River to Far’ the Dragons were swarming… They looked, to be running in a horde, with fire and lightening, all around forming! Yep, definitely the thing, upon which comes the dreams, for those illustrious bards. It looked so real, like from a far away time, and a far away land, yep, from our yard. Our neighboring town, across the great river, had never liked Dragon, you might say. They were lovers of peace and tranquility, more and more, since Dragon came to stay. Especially since, those few times, our dear little Dragon, had strayed into their way. They always ran to their storm cellars, began to pray, hoping to live just one more day. Today was no different, as Dragon released his fire on the strings, to set himself free! Now it gets better, as the fire began to wick up the strings, like fire being thrown free. One by one, the Dragons in full glory, did start to descend downward, like banshees! Straight toward every home in that town, before the last moment, to disintegrate out. The paparazzi in helicopters and The Cloud Nine Tours took it all in! Yep, they did. A new Dragon movie was born, and there was great news, on our News Channel 10. Dragon tried to put out the fires, but, yep, he only made them erupt again and again. Never fear: the panicked townsfolk ran safely underground, lickety split, to attend. We brought Dragon under control, and put those itty, bitty, widdle fires out! The end! Written 4-5-2017

Copyright © | Year Posted 2017

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Date: 4/13/2017 12:52:00 PM
I'm so glad to read a very creative and wonderful story from you again my dear friend, Carol. I loved and enjoyed so much. Perfect 7+++ story poem! Thanks a lot for sharing! love and hugs, Leonora
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Date: 4/6/2017 2:39:00 PM
- Never a dull day ... when the dragon is here - I can not understand ... that the neighbors do not like him ... he is so cute :) - Lovely and great written, Carol .... as always - Best wishes for a delicious spring :) - hugs // Anne-Lise :)
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Date: 4/6/2017 1:51:00 PM
This was really cute, I enjoyed this a lot. This would make a great children's story as well. I could picture this as I read and found it to be very imaginative and creative. Nicely done Carol.
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