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Kissed by the Son

Poet's Notes

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Written on November 23, 2023



Sunlight screams, When the peace is broken By dark, dreary things, Like doubt and despair, poverty Of the heart and soul, Paucity who can never know… Just how far you’ve had to go, How very far you’ve gone… To elude the dark’s heavy hold, Yes – the heavy hold,…. Sunlight smiles, When the moments are treasured Like prayers in the desert, Prayers spoken like blessings, Never without some pleasure – Some measure of the faith it takes, To hear the whispers of light and peace, Sighs so tender they seem to see… Through the weariness of darkness, Into the chorus of grace, Grace far more miraculous than I can say, Magnificent that comes through praise, Praise that erases the shadows, Soothes away the casual sounds, Yearning for the blessing of a sunlight Expressing itself… settling down… Sunlight never dims, Silent and showy, despite the grim. It abides in the heart even when… The last song is sung and the evening, Spun… outlasts the fiery setting, Blank rays preventing me from seeing… Night’s vicarious predicament, It is alive with twinkling stars and moonlight, Casts its glow over the memory, Inviting the whimsical and fanciful, Forbidding the darkness from overwhelming With its urgency, it’s urgent breath… Sunlight is the reason I can see, Beyond the doubts – into the belief, Where I always go when I need to see… A glimpse of the reasons I’ve been conceived, A glimpse of the purpose God has for me, A glimpse of the silence who reigns with me, A glimpse of the love that frees me to be… A reflection of the Son who abides in me!

Copyright © | Year Posted 2023

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Date: 11/23/2023 4:57:00 PM
Such powerful imagery you show with, as usual, your magnificent command of words. Such a marvelous poem my friend.
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