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Kingdoms of Power

KINGDOMS OF POWER man - with his little sphere of influence, claims mighty power, in his smallish hands. mini empires, like stars from the universe, like microscopic atoms - they march on - stomping, squeezing, squashing, squelching - mere men. they think, it will shut them up, dismember time. movies hail them with majestic symphony, shuffling through narrow streets – clanging harsh. ~~ on quiet mule, (a little braying – perhaps), a humble man, a meek child bride – travel. heaven’s spotlight upon them - star of Bethlehem! angels gaze, wisemen seek, shepherds shake, as a virgin gives birth to a unique boy one that, if he chose, could play with this earth. this infant king is bigger than life itself, “Adam’s breath” received from His own spirit. while little men sleep, in castles of gold, the sinless Savior lies in a manger. ~~ the puppeteer pulls the strings, supposing he’s in control - chops wood, prepares nails - draws blood, sweat and tears. on stage, all appears lost. hope is buried. a huge stone is rolled, blocking entrance to the holy of holies. but wouldn’t you know, God can tear it in two! innocent blood was spilled on this spoiled earth claiming it back, redeeming us, and pow… the power and majesty of the living God shows up, shows off. Light raises the dawn. ~~ once again, He is quiet, biding His time giving kingdoms a chance to change their minds. to arrive at this conclusion – you must be saved - lest you die, an eternal death! not wanting anyone to perish, He holds back his sword. if our tongues would do the same, and believe, confess, instead of curse, just believe, and be saved, because His majesty WILL BE praised. Kim Rodrigues © 2016

Copyright © | Year Posted 2016

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Date: 11/21/2016 8:08:00 PM
Beautiful, dear. I love how you contrast our futile endeavors with the the truth of salvation through Christ. Bless your heart.
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Kim Rodrigues
Date: 11/21/2016 8:39:00 PM
Thank you, Eileen!
Date: 11/21/2016 1:40:00 PM
Much to ponder her, Kim. Elaine
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Kim Rodrigues
Date: 11/21/2016 7:54:00 PM
Thank you, Elaine :)

Book: Reflection on the Important Things