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Who dedicates the path of life? And how long our walk will take, I believe our destiny was assured, Before we were awake Therefore, the choice that path will take us It is not given to us to make. Why do some of us keep walking? This often bumpy road Sometimes, tired and weary, Carrying a heavy load, Memories of the past Some good, some bad. Uplifting memories of happy times, And some unbearably sad. Questions and more questions Keep coming all the time, As I trudge my long pathway Realizing there are no answers, Whatever people say. Perhaps I have a lot to learn, That's why I've had to stay Perhaps those with a short path, They knew everything there was to know And their short presence on this Earth It was to encourage other mortals to grow Teaching us compassion. Respect, love and strength, The spirits of life Who did not need to live long, Their short lives, Made the rest of us strong What is the reason why we are here? I have no more questions. It's becoming quite clear. Chosen to be the person I've become Spiritually connected to everyone.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2024

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Date: 3/6/2024 12:26:00 PM
Aww l really love this Shirley….a real meaningful life poem questioning lifes path! Interesting…..Debx
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Date: 2/25/2024 8:28:00 PM
I like your journey, 'bumps' and all. And I love its concluding stanza. Keep on keeping on, my friend. ~ Run to Daylight, Gershon
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