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Keep Believing

Poet's Notes

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As long as there is sin to tempt the heart, The sin that reflects our humanness – our world, There will be dark thoughts, evil and destruction There will be greed, lust and prejudice… All those things that came to all of us, long ago When Adam and Eve allowed the serpent to fool them… As long as there is a world who refuses to seek The very One who created us and the world He made for us We will never see the wonder that comes to those Who know He is the only way, the only chance, the only grace Worthy of our faith, the believing that prepares our way So that we can assuredly say – Jesus is the light, shining Bright in the soul who believes in His gift of salvation As long as there is doubt that destroys the believer’s ministry As long as there is suspicion bringing bitterness and resentment As long as there is distrust that silences the hope and faith As long as there is a shame that refuses to ask for forgiveness As long as there is fear that won’t allow us to chance believing As long as there is a devil, the one who fell from heaven… There will be those things that only Jesus and His gift of grace Can possibly extinguish… As long as there is His love – there is hope for eternity With the One who makes a way where no way was known. Despite the worst that comes, with Jesus – there is more Grace, love, faith, hope, peace, joy – than we can ever imagine Just KEEP BELIEVING John 17:14 I have given them thy word; and the world hath hated them, because they are not of the world, even as I am not of the world. (KJV)

Copyright © | Year Posted 2023

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Date: 4/25/2023 10:02:00 PM
A great poem for the contest, Gina, so very true, beautiful:)
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Date: 4/25/2023 6:05:00 PM
Gina, this is a beautiful free verse that you've constructed. Your meticulous choice of metaphors and your flawless syntax provides a further dimension of elegance to the excellent verse you have written.
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