Kam Be For the Storm
My fear is not of Joe with hair of grey, mind in disarray, coherence at bay.
Main concern not about his overall knowledge lack, or how he doesn’t know Iran from Iraq, or cause he wannabe black
My complaint is not the fuel cost rise, nor Junior's highs, I'm not one of THOSE guys...but what IF he dies??
Can't stress enough, when I say this stuff, the dark cloud is rough! Crossing that bridge is tough, beware the trolls down there, my Billy Goats Gruff.
Dress it up and call it 'strong', don't ignore sublime lyrics in her song, you're lost in the rhythm foot tapping along, but it's not right on, it's off and wrong.
I'm all for the melting pot I like fondue, but there's recipes to follow, You. Generations of cookbooks tried and true, anything else I find hard to chew.
Harder to swallow hence we spit, but the foulness remains you nearly choke on it, she leaves a bad taste that just won't quit, not even Altoids can last through term limits
You read the bumper sticker that my car was adorning, but drivers in the left lane tend not to heed the warning, take the wheel and drive yourself stop conforming, try to be so woke but you'll oversleep one morning.
No more hitting snooze or Biden your time cause the time is up. Is Kamala really in the house? YUP! Pessimist maybe but I see a half empty cup.
And going lower like that cup's a sieve, she's gonna set us so far back it'll be primitive, and not like Bedrock but
rock hard to live, not a pretty picture just lots of negatives.
Copyright © Michelle Butler | Year Posted 2023
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