Kalam E Iqbal Part 2
(Bang-e-Dra-114), Khitab Ba Jawanan-e-Islam.
These are Golden words by Dr Allama Iqbal.
Khatab Ba Jawanan-e-Islam
Address To The Muslim Youth.
In short, in words can I tell to you what were these desert men?
Holders, Keepers, Saviours, Adorners of what we call the world.
If I should draw the sketch aright limning the form in words,
The vision I’d draw would be better far than all your fancy paints.
There is no standard by which to judge Yours and your father’s worth.
You utter words but they did deeds. They roamed: you stay at home.
We have despoiled the inheritance that we from our fathers won.
The heaven from the zenith has dashed it down
And cast it on the ground. what is this weeping at ordered things
That it is the affair of a day? Except the help of all-certain law
The world has no other plan. but if those pearls of learning’s lore,
Those books our fathers wrote we see in Europe made scholar’s joy, The heart is rent with grief.
O Ghani*, behold the darkened day Kinan’s old man once knew,
That the light of his eyes to Zuleikha’s eyes might bring the brightness of sight.
Kalam e Iqbal Translated by Miss Aliza Kashmala Kiran.
Copyright © Aliza Kashmala Kiran | Year Posted 2019
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