Kajal Kajal
The kohl of your eyes makes me crazy
The anklets in your feet
Make a great impact on me
I have fallen in love with you and you with me
What wrong have I done?
Mole of left leg make my soul crazy.
Your styles of every day life is different from everyone
Which gives me peace of mind,heart and soul
I shower all my love on you
I can give my life for you
Neither do I feel hungry,nor do I get sleep
My coy eyes ask when I will get married to you in real life.
I heard what you said
I have chosen you to be my life partner
What wrong have I done?
I dream only about you.
You are my heart beat,you are my soul
You are before me,my sights are on you.
Yes my heart beats for you only
And I allow you lead me where you want to,holding my hands.
You eyes always looking me everywhere.
Yes you won my mind,heart and soul.
You read the tales of our love in my eyes.
I gave my body and heart the gift of our love.
I wove a new dream,
What wrong have I done?
Copyright © Aliza Kashmala Kiran | Year Posted 2023
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