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Justice Or Just Us?

when we go to jail we get a legal aid lawyer who tells us to take a plea even when we are innocent. when we go looking for a job, we're told nothing is available. and when we do get a job, the non-black person that does the same job gets a higher salary, even though we have more education and more experience and when we have a college degree, they tell us we are over-qualified Is It Justice or Just Us? young black men stopped and searched because they VAGUELY fit the description of a suspect. black men pulled over while driving because the have TOO NICE a car young black girls stopped and ID'd because they happen to be walking 5 blocks away from a known prostitution area. yet when those same black girls are raped or killed their situations doesn't even rate page 3 in the newspapers but a non-black person gets the front page headline Is It Justice or Just Us? supermarkets and grocery stores in our neighborhood with old meat, rotting fruit and out-dated milk power plants and bus terminals near our homes the highest rate of asthma in the nation among our children. hospitals closing in our neighborhoods low standard and non-existing medical care available. and when we enter an upscale store, we are profiled and followed around yet in the meantime, the non-black person wearing a fur coat is robbing them blind Is It Justice or Just Us? If we hold a publicly elected position they will diligently keep looking for a scandal or will create one, searching around in our past for anything that they can use and then present It In the worst possible way in order to discredit us. why Is It that whenever non-black kids steal a car It's JOYRIDING but with black kids It's GRAND THEFT AUTO. why Is It that when non-blacks have drug possession charges It's for recreational use, they pay a fine, go to rehab and get 5 years probation. yet if a black kid has a drug possession charge he'll get 8-15 years in a federal penitentiary. Is It Justice or Just Us? judge us not by the color of our skin judge us not by any preconceived prejudices you've inherited or have been taught judge us not on the whole by the actions of one If you must judge us on the content of our character If you must judge us on the accomplishments of our education and skills If you must judge us individually and not collectively even though It Is not your right to judge us for that alone Is for God to do We Just Want Justice Not Just Us

Copyright © | Year Posted 2007

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