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Your face I remember clearly as the sky that I once saw The color your eyes turned as the sun hit them Amber, like the sand on the beach where children run free The way you made me feel free and childish Amber, like the fire that would burn at the scarified skin, hearts and blood The way you make my skin burn, my cheeks first then an attempt at the heart but my blood will always be boiled The smile you once shown upon me It spread across your cheeks like the brush of an artist It was crafted perfectly with the right amount of hope and tragedy The rocking of your head as you laugh For the jokes you've made Reference, and stupidity Your face is the one I remember The one I can carve into my skin For you I might as well You tug at my eyes I feel at my scars Your words dragging me into your arms Your pit I smile for you The face engraved into my shoulders words engraved in my thighs and cheeks Where you've touched Things I'll never get back The body once untouched Once at peace I justify your being As justice you leave me blind and mindless

Copyright © | Year Posted 2024

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Book: Reflection on the Important Things