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Just Writing Without Stopping

Random Free Write: Just flowing - writing and not stopping to think or even to lift my pen I kept going and the words seemed to have no end Understanding that the process is a simple one Love everyone and stear free of the wicked one I'm not sure if it was winter or spring But, I gave way to all the flaws and imperfections and realized that this is me The change came when I saw fit and not when someone else decides It's not hard to forgive And even easier to forget Does that not reflect love and also what it begets? Except too many hold grudges and even pretend to be angry beyond whats necessary Caught up in someone elses problem and not dealing with their own is a hard burden to carry Let it go stop negativity where it begins Cut people short if you have to because this is your life you have to live Be on the lookout for those looking to devour you Pray for those who do ill sh@! to you Respond in a way that makes them realize they love you and hope it inspires change Still maintain dignity and move on to something new Growing, building up treasures for a place greater than you can even dream to go It's the simple things that help make life flow I could go on and on with this practice flow Writing and stoping to think or lift my pen This is one of those poems that didn't make it to the waste bin.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2011

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