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Just Before Dawn

Stillness of the morn just before dawn fills me with calmness and joy blackbird is singing attracting his mate whilst a gentle breeze awakens my garden gate feeling so good as I watch the sun rise a gigantic gold orb from the sea bathing all in redness and gold diamantes glisten on the sea just before dawn here by the sea this truly is the place for to be whilst folk they are sleeping and sadly are missing this wonderful picture I see there is no other place I would rather be just before dawn on this magical morn with the sun the sea and me Written 28th May 2023 CONTEST 'A BRIAN STRAND PREMIERE no 1220 SPONSOR BRIAN STRAND 6th PLACE in Premiere Contest

Copyright © | Year Posted 2023

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Date: 6/9/2023 11:06:00 AM
Even though I am a night owl, Ann, I am right there with you experiencing this masterpiece of dawn! So lovely! Congratulations on your win! Blessings!
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Ann Gilmour
Date: 6/12/2023 12:51:00 AM
How lovely to hear from you Sam, as I have not been on PS for a while. Thank you so much for your kind words Sam and I trust you are keeping well. Kindest thoughts Ann xx
Date: 6/2/2023 6:21:00 AM
I do miss the sea ... Love write, Ann. Congratulations:)
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Ann Gilmour
Date: 6/3/2023 1:57:00 PM
Hello Suzette, I too love the sea and couldnt live anywhere else... so pleased you loved my poem and thanks for congrats... with kindest thoughts Ann xx
Date: 6/2/2023 4:31:00 AM
- Peaceful and beautiful time of day ... a wonderful poem, Ann - Congratulations on your win :) - hugs
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Ann Gilmour
Date: 6/3/2023 1:55:00 PM
Bless you dear Anne-Lise how lovely to hear from you and many thanks for your kind words and congrats. With kindest thoughts Ann xxx
Date: 6/2/2023 2:09:00 AM
Ann, your poem is so beautiful, I was just listening to the morning birds singing, well done and congratulations on your win !
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Ann Gilmour
Date: 6/2/2023 2:53:00 AM
Thank you so much Constance for your lovely words and congratulations, I really appreciate your visit and so happy you enjoyed my poem. It is so wonderful to hear the morning birds singing and it really inspired me... with kindest thoughts Ann xx
Date: 5/28/2023 9:16:00 AM
It's the best ever time of day for me, Ann. It's soothing once birdsongs fill the air and there's nothing else but their trills in the entire world that I'd rather hear. Nicely penned.
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Ann Gilmour
Date: 5/29/2023 6:13:00 AM
Hello Lin, yes I agree, especially about the birdsong, truly wonderful to hear, especially the blackbirds. Thank you so much for your visit and your words of encouragement Lin. With kindest thoughts Ann xx
Date: 5/28/2023 7:34:00 AM
Lovely pen Ann, such nice imagery and an insightful line of thought. Trust all is well with you, we're just back from Grange over Sands for 5 days where the sun was shining from morning till night every day, quite a wonderful time! Blessings always, Gordon
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Ann Gilmour
Date: 5/29/2023 6:09:00 AM
dear Gordon, how lovely to hear from you. I have not been writing for some time as my Parkinson's has worsened, however, it was such a stunning morning I felt compelled to share it with others too. Grange over Sands sound wonderful and I am so glad you both enjoyed it Gordon. Thank you so much for your kind words I really appreciate your visit. With kindest thoughts Ann xx

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry