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Just Before

What are you thinking as you look to the sky? Do you remember the days that have gone by? What are you searching for in that head of yours? Are you looking for things you have yet to explore? As you sit huddled in the chair over there, Off in a daze, your eyes just stare. I can read in your face as I look on, This picture I see says something is wrong. I didn't realize you lived with fear. But that was before... and now you're not here.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2022

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Date: 1/25/2022 1:40:00 AM
This really came to my heart "I didn't realize you lived with fear." I saw this a few days ago on my loved one's face, for the first time ever.
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Virginia Gelok
Date: 1/25/2022 12:37:00 PM
It's quite amazing that sometimes we see this sign too late to do anything about it. Perhaps you can find out what the issue is, so it's not too late. Even a wee thing in our minds may be a big trauma in someone else's. Thankyou for reading my poem.
Date: 1/21/2022 7:58:00 AM
Sad, but loving poem, Virginia, I felt your pain, sorry for your loss, welcome to the soup, if you have any questions as time goes, don't hesitate to soupmail me, wishing you a most poetic journey with us! love, James
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Virginia Gelok
Date: 1/21/2022 1:45:00 PM
Hello James. Thankyou for your comment. I so appreciate everyone here as I assume you do too. We all have to face some tragic things in our lives and God willing we get through them. Happy or sad, poetry give us a place to share or release the feelings we hold on to. I may take you up on the offer some day. Thankyou
Date: 1/15/2022 6:58:00 AM
Oh Virginia your poem is just beautiful and your comment to Milton made me emotional.I am so sorry for the sadness you his family must be feeling. Sending a big cuddle Virginia. Debx
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Virginia Gelok
Date: 1/21/2022 1:40:00 PM
Accepted your big cuddle. The warmth you all at PS share is amazing. This is where I need to be. Thankyou
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Virginia Gelok
Date: 1/15/2022 12:33:00 PM
I find it comforting when I can put my thoughts on paper. No one really knows how we will feel, the questions we may ask ourselves, the pain we feel... but I am sure nothing like that of the parents of the one who has taken thier own life. Thankyou for your caring words.
Date: 1/14/2022 12:25:00 AM
A very interesting poem, Virginia, lots of questions to ponder you explained, you will never know what actually made him do it... or whether it was accidental!
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Virginia Gelok
Date: 1/21/2022 1:38:00 PM
Sorry I took long to respond. I so appreciate poetry. It gives an avenue to release a lot of emotion. This is what I did here. My heart pains for the loss of my grandson and even more for his parents struggle with thier loss. Thankyou for your comment
Date: 1/12/2022 9:54:00 PM
Interesting poem, Virginia. I keep thinking you are observing his dying moments, but I'm not sure. In that situation, I certainly would have these questions. Very interesting!
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Virginia Gelok
Date: 1/13/2022 8:15:00 AM
Very observant. My husband, an artist just completed a picture of my grandson. It was taken from a photo of him just days before he took his life on his 21st birthday. We believe it was accidental but we will never really know. This picture made me wonder just what he was thinking. God rest his soul. I loved him dearly. Thankyou for your response.

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry