Just As Bad As Nazis, Part I
You never hear a person say:
“True fascism has never been tried!”
But when it comes to Socialists
you hear that nonsense all the time.
From Venezuela to Russia,
from China to Europe’s east,
I see the death and must conclude
they are just as bad as Nazis.
From slave camps of Stalin’s regime,
skeletons of the Holodomor,
China’s ‘social credit’ evils,
the murderous Great Leap ‘Forward,’
Khmer Rouge killing those who think,
and Rocket Man letting them stave,
to Cuba with its boat people,
so desperate they would swim through sharks!
And still people cling to this crap,
claim that they would get it right,
amazing how ideology
can make fools of even the bright.
When something’s tried time-after-time
and always brings the same result,
To claims it just needs ‘one more chance’
is to play with a deck not full.
The very basics of the theory
are built on a foundation of rot,
you must make work profitable
Otherwise folks quit and walk off.
Appeal to the good of society,
they’ll work a weekend, then they’re done,
put a gun up to their heads
and they’ll give you the bare minimum.
It has to be worth their while,
give them the power to buy and sell,
try to take self-interest away
and society goes all to hell.
Socialists claim they’ll build a ‘new man’
who’ll work without caring for pay,
but thousands of year show profit’s point,
that there is no other way!
Copyright © David Welch | Year Posted 2018
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