Just Another Saturday Night
Author’s Note:
Close friends often speak to each other in a language of their own making that outsiders
can’t understand.. This is a look at a situation that created one such language between
me and my best friend in high school. Nothing more, nothing less.
That Damn dinosaur-
Burning the bacon, again!
Smoking up the bathroom...
Combustible toilet spread,
Hot Damn! regurgitation,
Lettuce boat, left behind...
Jelly oozing from the ceiling,
with Banana-berry holding it up
Stupid football hole...
Ta-ta-vision, laughing station,
Spewing crescent dough from nostrils,
Favored flavored burger darts?
Did I mention the Damn dinosaur?
Burning chicken wings!
**** on the sinking hangers,
Decimated delivery guy...
Spirits, in the room (and on the table)
a shower curtain ring on plywood-
Dance to random Ouija phrases...
Ramen numerals besieging Boo-
Cat’s claws in the wall,
Curling kitty hair-do, crazy!
Smokin’ smoggies under-table,
Birdies fly out over glass?
Tapping on their tail feathers...
Where the hell is that Damn dinosaur?
Copyright © April Dobson | Year Posted 2005
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