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Just a Thought

I groped and stumbled through the years and woke up early morning groggy, hurting.? I peeked out the window and saw the sky bright, sun smiling.? I brightened and borrowed a smile and, for once, lit up my face.? My eyes winked like a star in a dark sky; kept smiling through the day.? It tasted nice, radiating light and love.? You can't rewrite the past, nor erase the furrows on the once smooth face.? Overwrite it with the future that has a hope, and meet your desire.? You'll soon retire and count among the past.? I understand that God created us in His image and likeness.? So, borrow from Him.? He doesn't recall our past nor rewrite it; but overwrites it with love--blessing and a future.? So will I!? So do I!? Life's frilled with frown, day and night trail the sun in his course. The sun ever shines, though clouds may dip with a frown!? Ever smilee, though thunder may roll and grumble! Eyes on golden rays at dusk, though storm may howl and splash the sky with dust!? Two constants rule life on earth: light and love.? God's both...? and you, too! Celestine S.? Ikwuamaesi (21/01/2018)

Copyright © | Year Posted 2018

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Date: 1/21/2018 6:54:00 PM
Lovely words of reflection...And perfectly right too...All the best Celestine
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