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Judge Not, Lest You Be Judged

Judge Not; Lest You Be Judged
Judgement preys on mankind’s weak, The fickle-minded soul Where ignorance and hatred peak Begins the tragic toll… Where stereotypes rear ugly heads And lies become belief, Where trust stays buried under dread The world is left with grief… Injustice follows damaged minds Where better views are flawed Biased vision taints one’s view Cold hearts remain unthawed… This cycle culminates in pain And humankind’s demise Such senseless acts full of disdain Place heartache on the rise… Let not these prisoners of hate Destroy our unity In time, these simple minds of late Will face their destiny… You and I can find the peace The love that’s colorblind These acts of cruelty must cease Embrace all of mankind…
Submitting to A Strand 1070 Contest on 02/10/2022

Copyright © | Year Posted 2021

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Date: 1/18/2022 5:35:00 PM
These thoughts are so powerful, Meghan. The emotions are raw and real. "Where trust stays buried under dread The world is left with grief…". Bullying others based upon bias, stereotype, and discrimination brings nothing but heartache, and sometimes perpetuates itself as those who are bullied turn around to bully others. You are right about the cycle. You clearly spent a lot of time crafting this poem as it flows so smoothly and has terrific rhymes, but the most impressive thing is the depth of emotion and the ending that lands on an optimistic note. If we are indeed colorblind and seek to embrace humanity in all its multi-dimensional fullness, that is the only answer to overcoming hatred.
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Meghan Hutchings
Date: 1/22/2022 7:40:00 AM
How do you do it every time? How are you able to pull out such important threads of messages so intricately sewn together from my thoughts and poems and analyze my messages almost to perfection? You, my friend, have an incredible gift, and I cannot thank you enough for bringing the best out in my poetry & in me! You are remarkable, & your responses never cease to make my day special! You hit this one once again right on the mark. God bless & much love, Meghan!
Date: 6/5/2021 10:32:00 AM
I am surprised no one else has commented on this! Well said! Aloha! Rico
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Meghan Hutchings
Date: 6/5/2021 11:56:00 AM
Thank you very much, Rico! I actually just posted it. I have so many poems written down that I have yet to type, so I'll be adding more. I appreciate your feedback! --Meghan

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry