Joined In Loves Sweet Embrace
Two hearts beat as one,
Joined in love's sweet embrace,
Together they stand,
In this holy, sacred place.
The bride, radiant in her beauty and grace,
The groom, handsome and strong,
Filled with love and a smiling face.
Their love, like a rose in bloom,
Fragrant and full of life,
As they exchange their vows,
Their hearts fill with delight.
The rings, symbols of their love,
A promise to never part,
As they embark on this journey,
With love in their hearts.
May their love grow stronger each day,
Through the joys and the strife,
May their bond never falter,
As they journey through life.
Congratulations to the newlyweds,
May your love forever shine bright,
May you cherish each other always,
As you walk hand in hand, in life.
Copyright © Oscar Auliq-Ice | Year Posted 2023
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