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John and Jody Play Joyfully

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Sir Popper views science as everchanging conjectures and refutations.

Thomas Kuhn speaks of paradigm shift insted of rigid scientific truth.

Edison and Descartes need no introduction and neither does Huckleberry Finn.

The Little Prince reveals a boa constrictor swallowing an elephant from a hat.

Michael Ende (also the author of ‘The Neverending Story’ wrote Momo, who teaches adults what life is all about.

Bach’s Jonathan Livingston Seagull teaches freedom from sailing one own’s path.

Enyd Blyton’s ‘Famous Five’ are not part of the so called literature canon.

And yes, I the author indeed have five biological children.


Science is Fiction Sir Popper popped the answer to the question of and whether science holds truth and where and when for how long facts remain value’s illusion Enlightened ever since Edison and Descartes darkness’ romantic notions we shine the rays of certainty on progress dismantle fantasy and arts and intuition But listen reason be cognizant of ultimate reality whats right is God and dogma until Kuhn comes along shifts paradigms refutes the standstill standoff in change Yet we hide in safety’s delusion accumulate so called evidence to alter the prison shackles of ignorance into prescribed solutions of faithful scientific proof Is love really fiction can kindness and compassion be elicited in logic’s numbers are images of freedom and a caring sharing world community unsolicited in vain A narrative of science as above fiction takes second place when John and Jodie refuse to ingest manipulative truth sera and walk their own path of mindfullness No magic mushrooms needed no ecstacy imbibed no dope just empathy and hope they live and paint a story of togetherness of truly global enterprise so far removed Where John lives in a bubble of dreams alludes to crumbling walls and liberty when belief and miracles mirror mirages and myriads of sun and moon and rainbows Unbelievable what planet does he live on is there no proof for imagery and intuition in his far away land in which phantasmagoria casts a death spell on an altar of collusion As kiddies look up from their small computed machines in wonderment defy the rules and regulations they conquer viscous vicious silicone and veiled algorithms’ camouflaged perceptions Their script cannot be found in canons their wands of intimate endearment float amazed confront a maze of logic arguments conclusions made from undue premises of science Like Momo from Ende’s allegory a Little Prince of twained twined twinned finned Huckleberry they play time and hats depict boas feathered elephants when apple cores fend of seduction Whitewashes fences transcends borders and the newest progress of armory and mine fields just fiction no doubt but when mind games mingle with a soul of friendship the children win The snake becomes friend does not mislead the journey on a garden path and corrodes a concept of nakedness imposed as shrapnel microchips and hidden wondrous nudity Jody is a rambler and walks the fields of plenty from her beach hut plays with starfish where shells do not descend from heaven appear from underneath inner currents instead Coral bangles on wrists not handcuffed by norms equating forms of self-righteousness a dolphins’ wisdom tattooed on foreplays’ skin is not merely an afterthought she lives When John and Jodie meet and shine the torch of betterment society declares them mad how dare they choose love instead of careful research prefer emotions and parabolic parables Some famous five children the author’s own brood and offspring are caught in paradox yet for their sake and future truth must be told and incense must set fire to so called modernity When fiction takes its rightful place when dolphins ride on apple cores when games become play and pebbles on the waves of flotsam turn the tides of nonsense misappropriated reason Where children shoot marbles instead of heroin’s anti heroic hypocrisy swing from ropes and anchors delivered by the ocean and jetsam becomes deliberate science’s fiction turns obsolete Humanity requires fictions not factions nor crushed fractions divided ad infinitum and beyond Bach’s skies and Jonathan the seagull searches John and Jody and joines awareness joyfully 16th March 2016

Copyright © | Year Posted 2018

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