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Jesus, Use Me - 2

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Jesus, use me so that I bring you glory Jesus, use me so that I bring light to the darkness Jesus, use me so that I bring hope to the hopeless Use me for Your glory and honor Use me for Your unending grace Use me for Your brilliant worthiness Use me for Your infinite wisdom Use me for Your sparkling exaltation Jesus, use me so that I bring a calm to the storm Jesus, use me so that I make a right from a wrong Jesus, use me so that others see Your light in me Use me for Your display of goodwill Use me for Your heart's gentle care Use me for Your honor and sanction Use me for Your majesty and approval Use me for Your name's praise and thanks Jesus, use me so that I bring faith to the spirit Jesus, use me so that I bring blessing to the weary Jesus, use me so that I bring love to the needy Jesus, use me so that I bring You to your people Jesus, use me so that I bring faith to the weak Jesus, use me so that I bring praise to your name Jesus, use me so that I bring a new journey to the ones who follow after You long to reach their mission on the path that is filled with your truth Jesus, use me so that I bring hope, faith and love and every good thing that comes down from the God who reigns up above

Copyright © | Year Posted 2022

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Date: 1/6/2022 5:28:00 PM
Loved your heart of hope and love expressed in this heart felt poem. The last verse says it all for me. Full surennder is the only path for true Love of our Creator. You are doing a wonderful service to out Lord 's mission here on earth. I for one am comforted through your poetry and the sharing of His will for all of creation. Love and blessings, Bill
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Date: 1/6/2022 1:04:00 PM
A prayer of great praise Gina, your strong faith shines through in your verse. Tom
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