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Jesus, the Chinese and the Pages

The way back is the way forward Birth to death to resurrection— A man that will impact everyone Rest in the Chinese pages! This fountain of discovery Reveals the essence of this Man and The Plan of the God who is Greater than All! In the book of the Han dynasty I look at the record on the 9th March 5 BC I see the bright star as reflected in the Gospels It signifies the beginning of a new era The terror of sin would be washed away Because of this Man living out God’s Plan In the book Volume one, the Chronicles of Emperor Guang Wu In the 7th year AD 31, I see the inscription, “The sins of all the people are now on one man. Pardon is proclaimed to all under heaven.” As he hung on the Cross there was an, “Eclipse on the day of Gui HAi from Heaven died” The terror of sin would be washed away Because of this Man who died on the Cross Three days later He rose from the Grave This is also recorded in the History of the Latter Han Annals No 18 This information has been stored in the Chinese writings for decades The earth is the Lord’s and everyone in it and God the Father allowed them to record the events of Jesus Long before the disciples wrote the four Gospels The way back is the way forward Birth to death to resurrection— A man that will impact everyone Rest in the Chinese pages This fountain of discovery Reveals the essence of this Man and The Plan of the God who is Greater than All! Matthew 2:2, Luke 23: 44

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