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Jesus King of Kings

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Well I tried to write a Christmas poem but this came out. Oh well.

When I told You that I didn’t need You, I could not have needed You more. (Or cared less) Still You told me, That You wanted me too. I brought nothing to You, Yet You gave me Your best. In the depth of my charade, Day after day, You grew weary of my ways. And the harder I ran, The longer I stayed, Away Still You drew me closer, I pushed away. Then Destiny Alone called my name. And now I stand today in You alive and free. Sheltering in place beneath the shadow of Your wings. And the more I gaze into You, The less of me is seen, In the light of the King of kings. And as I learn of You As I lean on You All I can say Is I still believe What only faith can see. And I will follow You All of my days. Jesus, King of kings.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2020

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Date: 3/16/2023 3:44:00 PM
Love it! God bless you! Love, Gina
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