Jeanmarie's Baby, Or Why We Have No Anti-Christ, Part V
...“If he is the son of Satan,”she said,
“Then what kind of thing will he grow up to be?
Some demonic evil walking the Earth?
Is he tainted by his paternity?”
Jesus just smiled, and said, “Jeanmarie,
women do not give birth to foul things,
they give birth to babies, blessed with Free Will,
every one gives Heaven reason to sing.
“You boy is no different from all others,
the sins of parents don’t pass on to kids,
even Satan’s son is beloved by God,
I know this for a fact because I will it.
“But before I leave, I must do one thing,
Since I asked more from you than asked from most,
to counter the memories of that place,
I’ll give you a glimpse of what you’ll soon know.”
He walked and laid a hand of her head,
and before her eyes Paradise did roll,
for words too sublime, she could only gasp,
then it fell off, and she was all alone.
She glanced all around, across the whole beach,
but He was no longer there in the flesh,
so, for the first time in many a month,
Jeanmarie just stopped, and took a deep breath.
Just then in the sand, sitting by her side
she saw an open purse, flush with money,
more than enough for her to start again,
she mumbled, “Thanks,” and looked to her baby.
His eyes were open, she saw they were green,
she wondered what she would do for a name,
then stood up and carried him down the beach,
his smile banished all memories of pain…
Copyright © David Welch | Year Posted 2023
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