Jake Trusts His Cousin Reflection
You sure about sitting on a tile roof? Jake asked his cousin Reflection.
Jake was not a risk taker, but they had a connection.
Meet me when the moon is ready, she said and you will feel the cool.
The brick tile roofs in Arizona go down in temperature daily as a rule.
Jake trusted Reflection but he was still a little wobbly about the risk.
He was a persnickety tomcat who swept his messy alley with a whisk.
You will love it, she reassured him. I would not lie about the moon.
He planned his climb up to the roof not one single second too soon.
Reflection was already up there, meowing her heart out in the night.
He climbed up and parked himself beside her; enjoying the moonlight.
Hey! What is all that caterwauling? A neighbor asked in a mean way.
The cousins thought it was funny; he was old Grouchy Mister McMay
Copyright © Caren Krutsinger | Year Posted 2022
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