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I'Ve Seen

I've seen life, the beautiful and magnificent Spectacular magic, yeah I've witnessed it I've felt joy, excitement and splendor Laughed until I've cried, yep I've been there I've seen life, the uneventful and calm Mundane routine, I've sung that song I've felt peace, had comfort, a home base Protection, nope, couldn't complain I was safe I've seen life, the endearing and compassionate Euphoric bliss, it was, well... Fantastic I've felt love, comforting and unconditional Forgiving and hopeful, the best of them all I've seen life, the fight and struggle Stress, anger, all things I've had to juggle Felt determined, stayed strong till it was over Fought through it, I endured like a warrior I've seen life, the soul shattering, devastating The tear filled, yea my heart was hurting Felt broken, helpless, hopeless, defeated Desperate and pained, I've been beaten I've seen life, the come back, redemption Fought back, I've overcame, did I mention I've felt triumph, victory a moment or two Smiled again, after all I've been through I've seen death. The end The last one to see Final moments and everlasting memories I've been caught off guard I've seen it coming It didn't make a difference With all I've seen, with all I've done I'll let you know who won I've seen life and all it can bring Still it's the champ, it wins the ring In all its filth, in all its glory I'll always choose to continue the story

Copyright © | Year Posted 2020

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Date: 12/2/2020 2:45:00 AM
Stories never end, they just keep getting better...yours is a perfect example. Keep the faith, Jesse. Everything happens for a reason and there is a reason we are all here. Keep your beautiful pen flowing. ~Charlie
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Jones Avatar
Jessie Jones
Date: 12/2/2020 6:31:00 AM
Thank you! I agree the the story continues with passing seasons.
Date: 11/18/2020 5:25:00 AM
Brilliant... glad you are continuing the story..
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Jones Avatar
Jessie Jones
Date: 11/18/2020 6:30:00 AM
As am I. Thank you <3
Date: 11/17/2020 2:37:00 PM
Yes, continue the story. Well written :)
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Jessie Jones
Date: 12/2/2020 6:31:00 AM
Thank you Heidi!

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry