Its Harassment Baby Oops
It's Harassment, Baby oops
By: Tom Wright
These things offend,
know I, tis true.
in these, I've been schooled,
now I tell them to you.
An innocent touch, a wayward look,
a word or threat aimed another's way.
Is today, considered harassment,
and that party has final say.
Were not to needle, mock, or jab,
to razz, or quip, gibe or jeer.
To scorn, roast or ridicule,
and whatever you do, don't leer.
It's best that we not banter words,
deride, intimidate, or taunt.
Should you be one inclined to joke,
these too, you must not flaunt.
We must not rile another,
even though it be in jest.
Sneering, too, is not allowed,
so put those thought's to rest.
Another's traits never mock,
nor offend with apparel you doff.
Find not within reason to knock,
while daring not to scoff.
Belittling another isn't right
nor take occasion to tease.
But other than these few things
treat other's as you please.
In meeting, should I, not extend a hand,
and appear to have little to say.
It won't be because I am snobbish,
but fear a Tort Lawyer coming my way.
Copyright © Tom Wright | Year Posted 2019
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