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It's All In a Name

This is a poem about surnames, Surnames we could hear any day. How their name was derived From how they survived, Their occupation will give them away. ARCHER is the first one, Shooting his arrows straight and true. BAKER is the next one. They make your bread for you. Let's not forget the BREWER Beer and wine he will make. CARTER will do the deliveries, Arriving before you awake. CARTWRIGHT builds the wagons, For the horses to pull up the hill. COOPER is very important, Making the barrels and the casks to fill. FISHER is a easy one, He goes out with nets and line. FLETCHER makes the arrows straight, From willow and feathers so fine. Now the HAYWARD build the fences To keep all the livestock at bay. The MASON builds the walls up, When the fences have all blown away. MILLER grinds the corn to dust, Flour,wheat and chaff. SHEPHERD round their flock at night, To dip them in the bath. The SHIPWRIGHT builds the mighty ships, To sail the seven seas. While the SLATER puts a roof on, If the thatch blows off in the breeze. Now the SMITH is very important, There's very little they can't do. While the THATCHER keeps the water out, To keep the rain off you. WEAVER is my last one, Making cloth and fabric galore. So there it is,in a rhyme, I can't think of any more. Sorry I've missed an important one, They should have been near the top. BUTCHER is the one I missed, We all need the butcher's shop. I know there are hundreds out there, The list could go on and on. Then it wouldn't be a poem I'm writing, I would have to write a song. 22/June/2021

Copyright © | Year Posted 2021

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Date: 6/22/2021 12:29:00 PM
god knows what mine would mean lol i owned a tea shop in hogsmeade.:):)
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