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It's All Going Viral

Covid has left town leaving only a sniff and snuffle. Monkey pox is still a puzzle we have learned not to nuzzle a monkeys muzzle. Now big pharm wants us to take a vaccine every year even though it does not work nor has it been properly tested. The CDC demands we jab our already immune kids more, cardiac risks could be high incidences soar. The cynical might wonder if Pfizer are in it for the money, but that would be unthinkable! The CDC is not political, perish the thought. Back to school, back to face diapers back to front as usual, all for naught.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2022

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Date: 10/22/2022 12:24:00 PM
I've heard mention of a combined vaccine with flu, covid and monkey pox, but that was probably just conservative rage porn stoking the fires. We're done with covid vax/boosters here - my wife had a reaction to the second shot, and so, no more.
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Eric Ashford
Date: 10/26/2022 10:10:00 AM
Thanks for the comments Jeff. there will be books written about all the power-grabbing stupidity and the way some States Govender's took advantage the Covid pandemic! Unfortunately the stupidity continues. Cheers.

Book: Reflection on the Important Things