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It Was In September

I feel the hand of the invisible smothering my skin The rule Maker up in the sky Lull my heart of a better tomorrow With a make-belief smile i retorted But the departure of grandpa In September drained me If my head is sitting well on my neck And if the birds still build nest on my head It was in the September That a pack of owls invaded our hut I was just boy in those days But i could decipher a woman from a girl So i was not a boy But please don't tell papa Lest he will invoke his iron fist on my coconut head Maybe, he has coconut head also Pattering feet all in the farm Aunt and i contesting a bowl of eba Suddenly, the rain began It was the rain that ruined and rent my heart Watching him groaning Watching him beckoning for help In a sharp glance, i look into the sky Does the rule Maker care ? I moved swiftly into my room Emerging with a machete To fight death But the dreaded monster left with grandpa It was in September Today, i stood before his tomb With gins, ginger, garlic, and black goat, and cowrie Last night he requested for all these in my dreams Because there is famine and economic crunch were he stays.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2011

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