It Started With
Such whimsical stories, with a moral,
they were sure to teach me right from wrong.
All done to a cadence like a song,
there's no better way to learn than humoral.
I learned how to cope and not quarrel,
to stand by my beliefs and be strong,
don't be swayed by one or a throng.
After I read one, I went on to read several.
Dr. Seuss was my fisrst poet read,
The very first rhyme I ever heard,
were there in his stories, while in my bed.
While Grandma helped with the hard words,
he introduced me to poetical threads.
I was forever inspired, rest assured.
For the contest: Tribute By Sonnet
Sponsored by Francine Roberts
My poet of inspiration....Dr. Seuss
Copyright © Paula Swanson | Year Posted 2012
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