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It isn't though it is

Nothing to see so little to hear speak and be silenced. Smells peculiar... Are my thoughts even mine? Everything is glorious in the shadows of night Bright lights that dim truth all sparkle and dreamy City of savage fun and instant pleasures The day breaks and the shadows slither numb brains and worn out souls drugged eyes burn by the sun light awaken into the reality that the pleasure palace of night is the decaying cesspool overflow of Hades slum. Those crystal Babel towers shatter into the shantytowns of reality. A little light shines a lotta truth. Freedom What happen to our revolution to make all equal before the law Every one with opportunity to succeed Success that benefited your fellow man But now it feeds the greed The richest one percent take over ninety percent of the worlds wealth and they want the rest of it. Babies are consider disease, there is a sick celebration and evil joy for every aborted innocent life. What did the baby do? The same people move Heaven and earth to protect the wicked life of a mass murderer and loathe the victims Sick people, very sick. Justice only for the unjust. Questions will be unanswered, other opinions shouted down Disagree be mocked ridiculed and ostracize, Challenge be imprisoned. One way, One voice One thought all others crushed until they conform or die Destroy the richness of past cultures Deny the truths of Holiness, erase ideas of wisdom and knowledge, Twist and confuse the spirit of youth make them doubt their very gender and pervert their souls to Hell War for profit, constant war to wear out and wean the will to live That seductive siren's song beating the drums of war replacing the heartbeats of young to march in rhythm of death Media reports nothing but sensationalizes hate and propaganda Opinions never news, feelings never facts, stupidity never truth Talking heads with talking points, personalities with non information Enough is enough one lone voice reverberates through the wilderness echos into the winds, blowing through each village, community sweeps into towns and cities till everyone each person unites revolution smolders, freedom brews , ideas simmer overflowing for justice for dignity for reason Liberty is calling masses answer His will be done We shall be free Amen.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2024

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