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Isn'T It Nice

Isn’t it nice, If I wake up and I’m half my size, Gorging on my favourite pie, Never feeling shy. Isn’t it nice, If I wake up, just looking at the sky, Don't bother about time, And the whole world is all mine. Isn’t it nice, If I wake up with love by my side, Cuddling me the way i like, Just like I’m a child. Isn’t it nice, If I wake up and greeted with a surpise, That my favourite mocha costs half a price, Or winning a contest with $1million as a prize. But I don’t think it’s nice, Now that it's night and I’m sitting by the window wide-eyed, Wishing upon the stars in the sky, Doing nothing else but wasting my time :P

Copyright © | Year Posted 2012

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Date: 1/19/2016 12:42:00 PM
AED, I really enjoyed this poem thanks for sharing **SKAT**
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