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Is There An Exclusive All-In-One Principle

‘ In general, quantum mechanics does not predict a single definite result for an observation. Instead, it predicts a number of different possible outcomes and tells us how likely each of these is. ‘ Which side of the Wolf-coin are we looking at the red or the green nothing then is certain not even death but the life one endures quarks protons neutrons electrons bosons particles like men and beings in general bathe not necessarily in the same lifeless soup great teachers or rather teachers with great followings those that always attract those who prefer to let others do the thinking for them especially through transcendentally transmitted interstellar telegraphy would want us believe there’s just This One and all comes and goes to That Only ONE If only it were just as simple as that Then what is it that This One wants Or is It caught up in its own caveat And must of needs come apart on the seed that It alone plants and do what we may nothing goes wrong whatever the explanation everybody is right right from the start Big Bang from a tight-fisted unfurling hand Big Crunch to a crushing tightening stranglehold and out again for the Brahma Day and after aeons the Brahma Night And at the stillstanding blackhole singularity neither space nor time squeezed in and out Birth as in Death An eventual point of total extinction if ever there was one Yet always the two extremes and the ever-changing in-betweens Matter versus Anti-Matter Here the Yang is not lkely to be set againt the Yin Though matter itself is neither Is nor Is-Not-ness And the 96% Dark Matter And the infinite number of parallel universes Does it really matter when ‘ … if you meet your antiself, don’t shake hands ! You would both vanish in a great flash of light.’ Vanish into what Dark matter or just non-dark matter Still the duality of matter Still the ever-changing conundrum Everything moves jostles couples alters reproduces destructs self-destructs ‘Sex is emotion in motion.’ Emotion erupts into thin air into where Dark air Motion disrupts and roots one here tied to the lunar year why should it matter if we cannot know the reason why ego id libido drive faith fame femme father future if super/alter ego connects the ego to the collective unconscious why drown the self in the Great Self by wilful act when the Ultimate One is the sum of all the little ones Is the Original One incapable of absorbing all the ones each of whom must move to eat drink sleep copulate make money grow roots in a society get and fight to keep a job make love marry raise children struggle to keep one’s wife one’s children one’s house if one can get one one’s career one’s future and helter-skelter race to cheat death If it’s the self-same thing that’s being born anew What does it matter if it keeps changing in view Of the desperate haste with which everything We see smell hear feel intute sense Keeps hurtling away from the Ding an Sich And leaves us with a parochial Milky Way Bastardised stealthily by grandiose Andromeda Left retrograded entwined within measely galaxy clusters Through some trillion cataclysmic light years What’s the impulse to keep moving Is the yogi’s stilled-centre The death of all action Which cannot call for a reaction Or is the art of keeping still Merely the art of making belief ‘…actors act out the pun that life is the art of acting until your performed role becomes your normal character. Then you are safe inside your character armour.’ As soon as you have thought It out It turns around and re-structrures Itself inside out and you know just why don’t you now References to the quotations Stephen W. Hawking, A Brief History of Time : From the Big Bang to Black Holes, London-New York, 1988. Ibid. Attributed to Mae West. Eric N. W. Mottram, « Men & Gods : A Study of Eugene O’Neill », Encore (London), 1963. I’m not sure the « re-structuring » bit at the end comes from Steven Weinberg or John Gribbin, or perhaps even from Fred Allan Wolf ? © T. Wignesan – Paris, 2005 ; rev. 2012. From the collection : Poems Omega-Plus, 2005.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2012

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