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Is the Usa Still a Free Country

Gordon Robertson of CBN's 700 Club posed a rhetorical question. "Does stuff like this really belong in a free country? The answer to his question is no of course. What do liberal and conservation parents have in common? The answer is of course their children. Liberals are joining with conservatives in voting for conservative school board members! The two key issues that are unifying them together are: The Critical Race Theory CRT and pornographic books placed in their school's libraries! Our government has offered the FBI to conduct back ground checks to vocal and active protesting parents! They are being arrested by law enforcement officers! Those abrasive governmental over reaching actions have no place in a free society. Instead they are symbolic of a Marxist totalitarian regimes such as radical Muslim nations such as Iran and Turkey and Communist countries such as Russia and Red China! What gives the governor of the State of California the basic right to violate the privacy of church attenders of their churches? Clearly both Gordon Robertson and I both would like to know! He is having people write down the license plates numbers of church members and guests! What does it mean except he probably wants to begin legal punitive actions against them! And violate their religious and constitutional freedoms! President Joe Biden claims to be a friend of Israel on one hand and a friend of the Pales tines on the other. His actions banding any more Jewish settlements on the so called occupied area of the west bank. The area of Judah and Sumeria! He wants to establish a Palestine Embassy in East Jerusalem! And have the temple mount only open to Muslims! Their president speaks with a forked tongue! Disregard any statements he makes to the English speaking world! Because he is lying to them and making false promises to stupid and easily deceived English speaking people! Who naively take his false promises at face value and take him at his word! But play close attention to the words that he speaks in Arabic. They don't want a two state solution because they want a Palestine solution! And to drive the nation of Israel back into the sea. To teach their children to hate both Israel and the United States and to kill both Jews and Christians! And reward the families of terrorists martyrs with money as they did in the past? "President Biden probably would move our embassy to back to Telive if he could." Pray Pray Roxanne Lea Dubarry November 11, 2021

Copyright © | Year Posted 2021

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