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Irreconcilable Paradox

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Before the whirlwind steam blurred into scoping. Before scarcely the morning smooth gathering. We were nervous until trustworthiness was revealed. Amidst the adjunct's misfortune by blaze wield. They were heedless to our flaws due to their sway. As we overruled, inquiries impeded our headway. I stumble over my own words and test the unattainable. As poise trills its harsh orchestra, thoughts assemble. The dissimilar sounds in my mind lead to stridency. If you reckon you betray a lost soul, ply reason and equity. As yet, my self-image fails to ensure the ideal outcome. Stilled flows of awareness hunt for virtue placed some. We are denied scopes that divulge a sheer rowdiness. Promptly, when sympathy had yielded to wickedness! And tastefulness was drawn alike a native tidal lagoon. Sewn into the night's feeling by the beams of the moon Since there were no stars, the sun rose at daybreak. By relaying us, one current view of the world is kept awake. Concerns aspire to hindrance in my road to harmony. They fulfill their own drab ease same as a sore sensory. Propel me down crooked streets to state my center. I drop affection, and mindfulness covets a novice juggler. A feeble aerobatic master beneath the kermis hogan. An inbred urge for free fall spoils our views become on. Outright deafness and spectacular quietness. Patently complete, and communicate weakness. We were herded because of our abstract language. We strolled around valleys of the broken scrimmage. Hued localities to us that display customary right. We were observing the hue, and the slope didn't light. Paradoxes and dipole oddity shuffle the process. Stains and optic tricks are proved by farsightedness. The moon hunts light-based bliss, yet tracts escape way. Moral plights rally above my eyes, atman, and soul ray. For a barred period, I'm sprung that shrouds are no withal. The way to an Irreconcilable codicil is straightforward tall.
First place contest winner Written:February 14, 2022 This or That, Vol 10 Poetry Contest Sponsored by: Edward Ibeh

Copyright © | Year Posted 2022

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Date: 3/2/2022 3:17:00 PM
Heartiest congratulations on your top win in my contest, Lasaad:-) Wow, your poem is just outstanding! You're such a great poet. I'm a fan.
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Sotto Poet
Date: 3/4/2022 2:37:00 AM
Edward, thank you so much for reading placing and commenting on my poem. It means a lot to me. Kindest regards
Date: 2/16/2022 6:19:00 AM
I Lesaad, your thought provoked write - Irreconcilable Paradox - reminds me of the realist figurative painter Alexander Klingspor and his paradox when an irresistible force meets an immovable object, what happens - there will be movement and there will not be movement - how does one analyze this, very complex indeed. Hugs and blessings, JENNIFER
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Date: 2/15/2022 6:38:00 AM
Your poem journey's through much complexity to analyze the paradox, Lasaad. I can feel the thoughtful discourse invested in this poem. Congrats in advance.
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