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Invisible Diners

just before errands in the city an egg and bacon breakfast straight from a greasy griddle strong coffee perks us for the coming day a wire-haired woman sits at a nearby table for six in Reggie's Restaurant where speed and noise dance to tinkly tunes from knives forks and spoons she mumbles to herself nodding left prodding fingers right slapping her knee a capital clap that sparks her laughter what is this flummery? who is she talking to? what ghosts enthrall her? there must be at least five keeping her company we quietly crunch cinnamon raisin toast sneaking peeks at this special bag lady burbling with her buddies these invisible diners I wish I could see them too!

Copyright © | Year Posted 2019

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Date: 5/22/2019 2:20:00 PM
Hello Kim McAdam, Welcome to Poetry Soup. So nice to meet you.Perhaps the bag lady was talking to her invisible friends that no one else can see bur her. have a nice day my friend.
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