Invasion: Part One
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Isolated peat bog is a lonely place never more so than on a storm-driven night. It's a time when the banshee howls streaking across the land claiming midnight for her own. With hair streaming down her back and garnet eyes alight with malice the manifestation hovers watching and waiting for who knows what. Her age is timeless to all intent and purpose she is a prisoner of time itself.
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As the Viking longboat pushed its way up the narrow river the Norse warriors were on high alert. Carefully watching the landscape as it passed them by. All was green and fertile the fecundity obvious.
Thora was by this time a battle-hardened shield maiden who had earned her place among the warriors. Ragnar, her soulmate, had been killed during the last raid that took place at Lindisfarne it was a bloody slaughter long, long to be remembered.
As Ragnar lay dying Thora took his sword and made sure it was firmly in his hand Valhalla was assured. She looked forward to the day when they would be reunited. However, her first duty was to the unborn. She cherished the idea of Ragnar's child. It made her more fierce and determined than ever.
The story continues: Invasion Part-Two
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Copyright © Delice Arleen Skelly | Year Posted 2022
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