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Invasion, Causation

Across the city the emperor called For recruits to join the legions Travel to new and strange lands And conquer for covetous reasons As sun beat down they trained their men To fight for colonisation, Taking with them skills and knowledge Introducing urbanisation. Past mountains, lakes and plains they marched Battalions stood United Crossing countries, rivers, sea, Arriving uninvited. Invasion, yet they brought with them Progression, innovation; Technology since lost in ages dark Transforming a whole nation. Roads of stone, heated floors Domestic sanitation, Walls dividing tribes and clans Fuelling aggravation. Yet Britain’s climate, wet and dour, It’s warriors and chief, Sent Rome’s great fighters fleeing home Struck dumb in disbelief, That this small nation could be such A hostile, retched place, And Rome needed protecting From the Jutes and Angles race. So after Constantine’s withdrawal Britain re-emerged anew, Rebirthing of a greater nation, Than the one the romans slew. Left behind their legacy Culture, architecture But no longer an unwitting, oppressed, Out-posted prefecture.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2023

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