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Into the Blue

Blue as the ocean, Deep they penetrate. Searching for the truth behind the iris. The past is a reliance, but not the end. A swimmer he must be. To weather my storms within. Torrents of rain and massive waves I send with thoughts. To let go and let it be is the true test. A calming voice tames the blue. Trust lets you make headway to my beautiful island… starts the bond. Landfall, lets him explore the white beaches of vulnerability; Cautious, though, to raise the sea…to swim again. Beautiful colors dance and twirl. Fairies play an Irish tune that flush the cheeks. Onward you trek through the betrayed jungle and the desert of love to reach the heart of the island. A fortress of granite looms before you…makes you timid. Empty armor of those lovers fallen litter the ground. What makes him different from those that failed? Instead of forcing his way in or scaling the walls, This one listens To your wants and needs. The ground trembles, Rocks cascade and crumble. Revealing the key to each other’s happiness; Seeing the value and worth in each other.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2023

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