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Internal Inhibition

God created human beings in his likeness, We are, hence, filled with his great luminous brightness; Are we not, then, princes and princesses, in truth? Why should we be, to our very persons, uncouth? Are you worried about your surface appearance? How should the sun be finer in its coherence? Doesn’t the full-moon have its abundance, complete? Are the twinkling stars, in lambency, incomplete? Why should be your psychic impulse seemingly weak, When God has designed your vigor in highest peak? Why should consternation overpower your path, When, fundamentally, you are a perfect math...? Though, I counsel you, I must to myself admit, That I have, been undergoing this inner split; I felt shy to see others, leave alone talking, My footsteps failed me often, when I was walking...! Facing strangers was, for me, like crucifixion, Climbing on a stage, within me, fashioned friction; Slip of tongue, like perennial dark clouds, filled me, Stammering betwixt key conversations killed me...! I just started loving me as I truly am, Am I not Mother-Nature’s flawless diagram? I started spending time with those I did not like, Good and bad and beautiful and ugly alike...! I felt the need of being out of my closed self, Gaining nourishment from the creator himself; Filling the vacuum within, with godly grace, Optimism in my thoughts and actions, I did trace...! Together with the awareness of my being, From every pessimism my inner self, freeing; In each undertaking, to god's will, agreeing, I headed toward my integral well-being...! 29 April 2022

Copyright © | Year Posted 2022

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Date: 4/29/2022 10:13:00 AM
Wow, Chris, this is so revealing. Such introspection. Exceptionally well-done with precise and meaningful images.
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Christuraj Alex
Date: 4/29/2022 6:57:00 PM
Thank you very much.
Date: 4/29/2022 3:04:00 AM
This is so enlightening and uplifting!!
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Christuraj Alex
Date: 4/29/2022 4:31:00 AM
Thank you very much.

Book: Reflection on the Important Things