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Internal Inhibition

Is it just that a trust to easily Keep faith too openly Feel accepted too fast And so fail Evey time They say friendship is trust Well I thought.. let's try it And you'd expect some glorious tale Spolier alert it ends badly.. Here's how it goes Lost a friend right away And a few more yet now Whyy??? Oh well cause I trusted people People I thought would understand and console People I thought who reaally cared But in the end they gave me away Yes there was a time I doubted everyone My mind was in a frenzy I thought too fast I made mistakes...mistakes that shouldn't have been made But now I do accept them My thoughts have changed past that and so have I For once again I lost the trust in people I just gained I kept on telling how bad of a person I was.. Wating for them to accept it and yess they did it today Those messages aren't to be screnshoted..they are carved on the hearts forever.... I might have been wrong....thought to much... replied to fast... But was I wrong to trust and tell that just to be thrashed away... From a place I thought I could be myself? I don't say I was right the whole freaking time but at least I asked But didn't get an answer What was I to do for I still seeked an answer An answer to leave me in peace that yes they were my true friends For that I turned out to others thinking they would help But nahhh they just did the opposite I looked for what a friend a brother? Well forget it I deserve none U know everyone has there bad times Maybe I had mine But just stand once in my place and give it a thought Cause I for all know u have done worse.. But in those blues I found you Looking in your jet black eyes made me spiral down to your heart If it wasn't for you I would be here The faith now restored all because of you. 23 April 2022 Internal inhibition Edward ibeh

Copyright © | Year Posted 2022

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Date: 4/18/2022 6:29:00 AM
Thanks for sharing this. Welcome to Poetry Soup. I welcome you with the love of the Lord, expressed by John 3:16 of the Bible, "For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life." God bless you.
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