Inspiration From Miss Linda
You crack me up ,
Never let me down,
Some even say ,
You act like a clown.
Whenever you are around,
People carry on,
There can be no frown.
Now I don’t know,
If all that’s true,
But I wanted to write ,
And give a big thank you.
Once and for all,
But not in the least,
You did not stall,
Or get eaten by the beast.
Where oh where do I go from here?
What oh what do we have to fear?
I know not ,
For I just write.
Bet Miss Linda Ann.
Would love flying a kite,
But who knows,
Could this be right?
Stay on your toes,
It’s almost midnight.
So time to stop,
And get to bed,
Have sweet dreams,
With sugar plums in your head.
One more thing,
Before I go.
Thank you miss Linda,
You inspired me, you know.
Copyright © Kenneth Fordham | Year Posted 2007
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