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Inspection will NOT take place January 21st, 2025

Inspection will NOT take place January 21st, 2025... but much to my relief, said mandatory inquisition (rather inspection) will take place sixty nine days later (due the math and inform me of any error if applicable), which date will be March 28, 2025. My entire body electric went into system of the down mode after mistakenly presuming that the triumvirate would loudly rap on our apartment door (B44 in case ye happen to inquisitive). As a result yours truly and the missus knuckled and buckled down into high gear furiously scrambling to complete some grunt work, and tossing out recyclables willy nilly plus bagged tempe intended for a future meal of mine. At 0700 hours (indicated courtesy notification slipped under door less than twenty four hours) hence foretold ill fate by property (crooks and quade) management the head honcho zaftig, kathleen bergen - no nickname for her yet (who replaced wanker), and Rich (text depeche mode) the snitch at highland manor apartments re: looming eviction implication cuz yours truly and the missus out of compliance namely unkempt living space within the walls of apartment b44 after residing within said low income facility going on eight years July first two thousand and twenty five, we experienced ongoing contention here, which palpable tension crackles, pops, and snaps across the webbed wide world. Courtesy social media platforms in tandem with reputable poetry websites allows, enables and provides analogous soapbox to vent after above identified triumvirate done scrutinizing, interrogating, castigating... Me and the missus immediately sprung into action rather each of our separate nervous systems underwent uncontrollable bouts of expansion and contraction, (where we both made a beeline for the bathroom) analogous to severe toothache necessitating oral surgeon extraction. Three days later - January 21st, 2025 signals the visitation of inquisition (cue ominous music) obscure artificial illumination looming dark shadows presaging worse fate than death rivaling close encounters of the third kind outer limits of the twilight zone monstrous sinister forbidding shapes blotting sunlight plunging highland manor apartment in total darkness. Hence aforementioned feeble SOS cuz our rented one bedroom unit b44 not in ship shape, thus me and the wife not happy campers (still in shell shock after seeing the unexpected notice) possibly forced to live in a tent among bunch of other homeless people along skidrow, thus fruitless effort to yield and appeal to top banana figuratively precariously perched on horns of dilemma spurred me to posit supposition, whereby sympathy for the devil witnesses greater likelihood versus wordsmith unsuccessfully, nevertheless creatively blindsiding anonymous readers spellbound to empty willy nilly bajillions of dollars from their pocketbooks and mail blank checks to yours truly before coming to their collective sense and sensibility bound with pride and prejudice.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2025

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